Data Center Operations Cost

As you compare data center prices for the various approaches to new data center construction, be sure to factor in the hidden costs associated with traditional construction that are eliminated in off site, factory built custom data center solutions, and also the long term cost of living with less than desirable options you inherit with cookie cutter, containerized modular data centers. The concept of the Data Centers Delivered turnkey data center system is to conserve money and reduce schedule. Money is saved through hard costs, soft costs, and risk mitigation. Hard costs include the easily quantifiable expenditures like data center equipment, enclosure, engineering, and items that have an associated invoice.
Data Centers Delivered offers a complete system which includes both data center services and products, but the most of the cost is associated with what’s considered as equipment. The data center itself is a custom engineered product. The gear and labor required to assemble the package are all rolled up into a fixed, or hard, cost. Labor contracts are negotiated to help reduce risks the risk is still very real as there are other outside factors like availability of skilled labor, labor shortages, and local jurisdiction labour law, that are all extremely common and realistic challenges. Every one of those issues may cost the data center owners money, without having received a single product.
Since the bulk of payment isn’t due till the product is delivered, there’s minimal risk to the data center owner and no requirement of bonding. Contracts use a progressive billing system, whereby the construction management team presents time cards and equipment invoices for payment from the consumer on a monthly basis. Every one of those potential issues will cost time and money. Off site construction takes place in a controlled environment with easy use of material handling. Coordination of trades: Field construction is subject to sequential processes, where one task must be completed before another one can start. Off site data center construction allows for multiple tasks to be completed in parallel, coupled with the fact that there are fewer individuals to deal with on site. The data center owner can make savings by streamlining the construction management of the project.